Brad Kella
There are fewer stories more heartfelt and inspiring in music than Brad’s. Though at the beginning of a promising career, there have been enough peaks and troughs that would discourage the most hardened artists. Coming through early adversity, being fostered and ending up living on the streets, he went on to win Channel 4’s The Piano.
After seeing a teacher play piano in high school, I went home and asked my foster parents if I could have a piano, which just seemed like a pipe dream. I had no training, no lessons. It’s like there’s this muscle memory from somewhere I can’t explain. Straight away I was composing my own songs.
It’s a testament to any piano player’s ability to have Lang Lang, one of the world’s most respected classical musicians describe your playing so evocatively, telling Brad: ‘You use all the colours of the piano already, it’s remarkable.’.

Brittany Howard