- Ben Ellis [25]
- Benjamin Clementine [23]
- The Big Moon [21]
- Bilk [38]
- Brad Kella [31]
- Brittany Howard [11]
- Camera Obscura [31]
- Dove Ellis [20]
- Ellur [20]
- Essence Martins [21]
- Fergus McCreadie [09]
- FIZZ [03]
- Forest Claudette [21]
- Franc Moody [06]
- Gabrielle Aplin [01]
- Gavin James [52]
- Holly Humberstone [17]
- IDER [12]
- Jamiroquai [14]
- Joel Culpepper [08]
- Joss Stone [10]
- Kingfishr [66]
- The Kites [03]
- L’objectif [30]
- Liz Lawrence [34]
- Maverick Sabre [17]
- Max Pope [03]
- MAX RAD [01]
- Michael Kiwanuka [42]
- Mychelle [14]
- Nadia Kadek [08]
- Overpass [31]
- Paolo Nutini [33]
- Peace [21]
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets [50]
- Quiet Houses [07]
- Rae Morris [01]
- Son Mieux [25]
- Talia Rae [28]